*Grade 6 Math with Mrs. Squires Team 6A*

Welcome Letter
Final Exam Info
Welcome Letter
Classroom Rules
Contact Information
Binder Organization
Helpful Links

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Mrs. Squires

South Orange Middle School

Team 6A, Room 232


September 7, 2011

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Welcome to 6th grade math! I am delighted to have your child as a student this year. I am looking forward to an exciting, fun, and challenging year in math. Your child will receive a Math Reference Book (SRB) that will be kept at home to use for homework and studying.

Students absent from class are expected to contact me or another student to get the missed work as soon as possible. Students who miss class or need additional help should see me after school during the conference period from 2:45-3:15 or during our midday period 5. Please encourage your child to come before an upcoming quiz or test as well. In addition to following the SOMS expectations of respect, your child and his or her classmates are expected to follow the school rules inside all classrooms. I will be rewarding positive attitudes and behavior.

The math supply list and binder handout have been provided to the students. Please have all supplies in by Friday, September 16. Be aware that there will be math homework, usually a worksheet, just about every day. Please visit my website at http://somsmath6.tripod.com for information throughout the school year. You may contact me through the school office at 973-378-2772 x2000, leaving me a voicemail on box 2407, or via email at jsquires@somsd.k12.nj.us.

I look forward to meeting you at Back to School Night on Sept. 22!




Mrs. Squires

***Please fill in the information below neatly and have your child return only the bottom section, along with their supplies, to Mrs. Squires (Math, Room 232) by Friday, September 16, 2011. Thanks!




Student Name _________________________________________________________________

Parent(s) Name ________________________________________________________________

Home Phone Number __________________ Parent Work or Cell Number__________________

Parent Email __________________________________________________________________

Parent Signature ___________________________________ Date _______________________

*Return this form to Mrs. Squires (math room 232) by 9/16/11!

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